Calling Amazon Web Services inside SAPUI5 application

Recently I was involved in a project of web application using SAPUI5 (which I really hate) and in that, I needed to call AWS Machine learning service to predict some values using a model which was already been deployed on the AWS. As you may know, Call from the AWS CLI is easy cause it … Continue reading Calling Amazon Web Services inside SAPUI5 application

Docker-izing a Node Web app (NPM/Webpack)

After implementation of my web app for Raspberry SenseHat with ReactJs, I decided to dockerize it so maybe later I run it on AWS ECS (Amazon EC2 Container Service).(Actually not this web app but other project that I have, should be run on AWS ECS) First I want to use Docker Hub to push my … Continue reading Docker-izing a Node Web app (NPM/Webpack)

Building simple Back-end using AWS (DynamoDB, Lambda , API Gateway)

I had a small project in which I needed to send the data from a sensor to AWS IoT and then store it on a database. As I had enough knowledge over DynamoDB, I decided to store it on Dynamo and then I visualized the data using elasticSearch and Kibana. In fact that wasn't bad … Continue reading Building simple Back-end using AWS (DynamoDB, Lambda , API Gateway)

How to pass a user input of a child component to top Navigation bar component in React (Binding between child components)

So I was doing a project that in one of its part I needed to get the name of the user and set it on the right side of the top navigation bar. Normally it is easy to pass a value from child component to its parent, simply by setting a parameter in state of … Continue reading How to pass a user input of a child component to top Navigation bar component in React (Binding between child components)

Building a Simple Dashboard for Raspberry Pi SenseHat using Python, React and Bootstrap

These days the comparison between React and Angular2 is a very hot topic. I've seen some people build the dashboards on top of both and compare the features and basically the do pros and cons. So, I decided to the same thing for my SenseHat and see the result. I should mention that I am not … Continue reading Building a Simple Dashboard for Raspberry Pi SenseHat using Python, React and Bootstrap

building a simple dashboard for SenseHat using Python, Mongodb, Nodejs and Angularjs (part 2 – post to API)

In the last post, I prepared my API part and make it ready for accepting my HTTP calls, so in this one I write a simple python script to read the values from Sense HAT and POST it to my API to save it in MongoDB. I want to read temperature, humidity and pressure from … Continue reading building a simple dashboard for SenseHat using Python, Mongodb, Nodejs and Angularjs (part 2 – post to API)

Building a simple Dashboard for Sense HAT using Python, MongoDB, NodeJS and AngularJS (part 1 – API)

Having a Sense HAT with environmental sensors like temperature, humidity and pressure is nice and it is easy to read their values with a simple Python code. However, it would be nicer if we can bring all of them on the same page beside each other and have some historic data of them or even having … Continue reading Building a simple Dashboard for Sense HAT using Python, MongoDB, NodeJS and AngularJS (part 1 – API)

Visualizing Data on Kibana Dashboard Using Amazon ElasticSearch

In the Previous post I just sent the data from my Sense Hat to AWS and saved it in Amazon DynamoDB. In this post I decided to show some graphs and chart on the dashboard using Kibana and Amazon ElasticSearch. Kibana is basically an open source plug-in for elastic search which creates nice dashboard very … Continue reading Visualizing Data on Kibana Dashboard Using Amazon ElasticSearch