Building a Simple Dashboard for Raspberry Pi SenseHat using Python, React and Bootstrap

These days the comparison between React and Angular2 is a very hot topic. I've seen some people build the dashboards on top of both and compare the features and basically the do pros and cons. So, I decided to the same thing for my SenseHat and see the result. I should mention that I am not … Continue reading Building a Simple Dashboard for Raspberry Pi SenseHat using Python, React and Bootstrap

building a simple dashboard for SenseHat using Python, Mongodb, Nodejs and Angularjs (part 2 – post to API)

In the last post, I prepared my API part and make it ready for accepting my HTTP calls, so in this one I write a simple python script to read the values from Sense HAT and POST it to my API to save it in MongoDB. I want to read temperature, humidity and pressure from … Continue reading building a simple dashboard for SenseHat using Python, Mongodb, Nodejs and Angularjs (part 2 – post to API)