Docker-izing a Node Web app (NPM/Webpack)

After implementation of my web app for Raspberry SenseHat with ReactJs, I decided to dockerize it so maybe later I run it on AWS ECS (Amazon EC2 Container Service).(Actually not this web app but other project that I have, should be run on AWS ECS) First I want to use Docker Hub to push my … Continue reading Docker-izing a Node Web app (NPM/Webpack)

Building a simple Dashboard for Sense HAT using Python, MongoDB, NodeJS and AngularJS (part 1 – API)

Having a Sense HAT with environmental sensors like temperature, humidity and pressure is nice and it is easy to read their values with a simple Python code. However, it would be nicer if we can bring all of them on the same page beside each other and have some historic data of them or even having … Continue reading Building a simple Dashboard for Sense HAT using Python, MongoDB, NodeJS and AngularJS (part 1 – API)